sábado, 27 de marzo de 2021



Experta: Mónica Mahamud Gutierrez. Observadora: Cristina Sanz García


Hello everyone! I would love to thank Monica for recording a whole class again, now with Pre-primary, 3 years old, and sharing her resources. In fact, among many other resources, Monica has shown me a great genially where they have all the content organized.

Now, that I have watched the video and written down some questions, we are ready to arrange our third meeting. In this sense, we are going to have an online meeting on teams, where Mónica could help me  understand different aspects of her methodology and I could also share my ideas. 

These are the notes I took during the second observation and some resources used during the class.

Monica had a lot of resources prepared beforehand, there is also a specific area of the class devoted to

English, like an English corner.

There is always a student who acts as a helper, or as they call it: The ring master of the day, who helps. teacher to introduce the routines and ask questions. 

1 ST PART: INTRODUCTION: Hello songs, numbers, weather, calendar… 

1. Action Song: They sing the song: Hello, how are you? I’m happy thank you… This song reviews the feelings too.

2. Question: How are you today? 

Visual support with flashcards, the ring master asks his classmates, depending on the answer the ring master selects the flashcard, as Mónica has explained me in our meeting, this is something the child decided to do in that particular session.

 It’s a great idea since all have to ask and answer, so they practice their listening and speaking skills while they review vocabulary or grammar structures or even learn new ones. 

 3. Writing: The ring master writes his name reviewing the different letters and counts the girls and the boys…How many girls are there? Using structures like: Stand up…. Sit down. This is fantastic to learn and review the numbers. Sometimes they use their names to review phonics and vocabulary: 

4. Song: Days of the week. It’s incredible how they are able to ask their classmates: Is it Monday? Is it cloudy?

 5. Action Song: Today is Tuesday… what’s the weather like today? It’s sunny and cold . The song changes depending on the day and the weather.

 6. Action Song: Wind the bobbin up: 


 With this song they not only learn the lyrics but the parts of body. They have to touch the part of the body the teacher says, and they love it, because it is very interactive and fun. Story time: Monica tells a story about a cat and a circus, reviewing different animalstaking advantage of the theme of the children's project on the circus.

7. Action Song: Five brown teddies sitting on a wall, Monica uses different laminated teddies with different shirts to review the colours. Then, they sing the song “Five brown teddies” : 


 4 th PART: BACK TO CALM- BYE BYE BYE BYE action song. 

More resources used:

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Pues otro año que termina este gran proyecto de Observa_acción.  He participado otros años, como observadora, como "experta" y tam...